How to Use the Website

Welcome to the Power to Choose, a site provided by the Public Utility Commission to equip Texans with the information they need to choose the competitive electricity plan that best suits their unique needs.

To get the most meaningful results from the site, we encourage you to take the following steps on the path to a new plan. Past electric bills and a calculator are handy tools for this process as is the information found by running your computer mouse over the page's icons.

Start Your Search

Step One - Enter Zip
Enter your home zip code.
Narrow Your Search
Clicking NARROW YOUR SEARCH will speed up your selection process. (If you do, jump to STEP 7). However, you may also click the VIEW RESULTS button on the right and take the following steps.
Boxes on Left Side
Before you check plans, first take full advantage of the boxes on the left-hand side of the page to narrow your choices.

Narrow Your Results

Step Four - Esimate Ave Monthly Usage
Calculate your estimated average monthly usage using your electric bills. Remember that usage follows seasonal patterns with higher consumption in months like August and February.
Step Five - Enter price range per kilowatt hour
If you care to, enter the price range per kilowatt hour that you'd like to pursue in your search.
Step Six - Enter length of contract
Please enter the anticipated length of a formal agreement into which you'd like to enter.
Step Seven - Filter Out  Plans
Next, you may use this feature to filter out those plans that feature minimum usage fees/credits and tiered rates.

Tailor Results Based on Your Needs

Step 8 - Select Plan Type
This step allows you to choose a fixed rate plan of the sort that can be helpful during times of high wholesale electricity prices, like the height of summer or depth of winter. (Fixed rates are for terms longer than one month while a variable rate's cost can vary from month to month.)
Step 9 - Select to view prepaid plans
This filter allows you to select whether you want to view Prepaid Plans.
Step 10 - Select Plans with Varied Pricing by Time
This filter allows you to select whether you want to view plans with pricing that varies by time or day of the week.
Step 11 - Select Plans based on Customer Satisfaction
One of the more unique aspects of the Power To Choose site, this feature indicates customer satisfaction, based on the percentage of complaints to the PUC.
Step 12 - Select how much of your electricity goes to
                         renewable energy sources
This feature allows you to designate what percentage of your electricity investment will go to renewable energy sources like solar or wind.
Step thirteen - Choose a specific retail electric provider
This filter allows you to choose a specific retail electric provider.
Last Step!
Last Step
Once you have entered all of your criteria, be sure to click REFRESH RESULTS to see a selection of plans that meet your expressed preferences.
Once you have completed all of these steps and found a plan that interests you, it is critical that you click the FACT SHEET link and spend time carefully reading the document to ensure the retail electric provider's terms suit your desired service.